Trial Graphics

Trial Presentation Services That Make Your Case™

Trial Graphics

Our trial graphics team brings decades of oil and gas and geoscience technical experience. Our highly talented artists and animated trial graphics experts are uniquely capable to fulfill your trial presentation needs. We understand geological, geophysical and engineering data and turn your complex evidence into litigation graphics that are accurate, informative, and easy to understand. Your litigation consulting experts and legal teams don’t have to hold our hand or spend hours explaining oil and gas terms and technologies…we get it. We also know it’s difficult for the juror to envision something they’ve never seen or know little to nothing about. Creating legal trial graphics and animations that explain what happens on the wellsite and in the subsurface is our specialty. Whether it’s a tool failure, formation damage or human error, we can communicate your side of the story to a judge or a jury with maximum effectiveness.

Explosions - Wrongful Death or Personal Injury Animations

Our trial graphics team has many years of providing legal graphics and courtroom animations for the oil and gas industry. Some case experience examples include: toxic effects of hydrogen sulfide, well blowout fires and other equipment explosions, blowout preventer failure, fracing accidents and workers struck by falling pipes and tongs, failing high-pressure connections, pipeline leaks caused by corrosion, and environmental surface and drinking water contamination from produced saltwater.

Graphics to Uphold Safety Standards

Worker health and safety is a priority of everyone in the oil and gas industry to prevent oil field accidents. The industry has a commitment to excellence, not only to protect U.S. workers, but to workstirelessly to keep surrounding communities and the environment healthy and safe. Let us create trial graphics that communicate you attention to these high safety standards.

Refinery Explosion and Refinery Animation

When an oil refinery explosion or chemical plant explosion occurs, it is important to communicate what happened and why. We are adept at creating technical 3d models and industrial animations to visualize complex facilities and operations for a variety of uses including trial graphics and courtroom animations.
Please take a look at this refinery explosion and refinery animation to see how we can also incorporate audio and sound effects to communicate important facts and bring technical animations to life for your next project or trial presentation needs.

Oil and gas trial presentation support

Hydraulic Fracturing Location Casing Failure

Oil Rig Explosion Caused by Blowout Preventer Failure

Equipment and Tool Malfunctions

Some of the things our clients have to say

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Trial Graphics Animation Depicting Shale Drilling Lease Dispute

Drilling or downhole problems can be hard to explain, especially to the layperson of the jury. Stuck pipe caused by dog-legs in the well, tool or product failure, dropped slips or a pipe wrench in the hole can be costly and may permanently compromise access to known hydrocarbon bearing formations. Legal disputes over lease or drilling rights, leaks or environmental damage can often require animated graphics or subsurface visuals to understand the facts. Our knowledge and experience producing trial graphics for the oil and gas industry allows us to technically and creatively “think outside the box” and offer suggestions for a favorable verdict.

Watch the Example Animation

Take the layperson, judge and jury to the location…from the court room.

No need for hard hats and steel toe boots. Our custom and licensable animations can quickly educate laypeople from all walks of life with the experience of a trip to the field without ever leaving their seat.


Watch the frac flyaround

We can help with all your trial graphics and courtroom animation needs.

  • Wrongful Death
  • Personal Injury
  • Explosions
  • Surface Damage
  • Breech of Contract
  • Tool Malfunctions
  • Environmental Damage
  • Onshore / Offshore Exploration
  • Royalty / Reserve Disputes
  • Drilling / Fraccing Disputes
  • Royalty / Pollution Issues
  • Drilling / Mineral Rights

Geoscience experience to accurately make your case

Our trial presentation background includes work on a variety of environmental cases, as well. This varied geoscience experience, combined with our technical animation and trial graphics expertise will give you the edge when you enter the courtroom.

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Trial presentation expertise means we see the red dots.

To us, every chart tells a story. Every bit of data reveals more of the bigger picture. And when we go to work creating legal illustrations, mapping or animations for your side of a case, we don’t let anything slip past us.

More than once, we have honed in on the “red dot” in a case—the overlooked, key piece of information—that helped our clients win the trial or settle in their favor. So don’t just get a graphic designer to work up some pictures for you. This is too important. Let us be your advocates before you ever set foot in the courtroom with trial graphics that make the difference.

We’ll help you c_nn_ct the d_ts…